Excel Macro Recording: Simplify Your Tasks | Step-by-Step Tutorial

We all want to speed up how we work and you might have discovered that there is something in Excel that will do that. They are macros. These macros are a set of steps that Excel can do repeatedly at the click of a button. So let’s say you have to format a sheet, save it, sort the data and then print it, and you do the same thing the same way each time. Well you can tell Excel to record what you do once and then add a button so that it can do the same thing each time.

Isn’t that great. You are probably envisioning how you will get your work done faster and get home more quickly. The good news is you need know programming skills just the ability to do what you do each time you do this task.

Here are some videos I made to show you how. The first is how to record a macro, the second it how to add a button to a sheet and the third is how to add a background so you can have a nice dashboard for all the buttons that are going to speed things up.

Recording a macro

Adding a button

Adding a background

About garysch

A bit of a techno nut who likes sharing what I know about technology, especially with those who struggle with it. Also through my podcast www.jargonfreehelp.com
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