Creating a Panorama with Your Mirrorless Camera or DSLR

If you have a smartphone and like taking photographs then you have probably used the panorama feature, but can you do the same with your mirrorless camera or DSLR. Yes, you can.

But you are also asking yourself why would you do that if you can do it with your smartphone. Well, although smartphones do take good photos, and I do use mine a lot, a mirrorless or DSLR is going to do a better job and much higher resolution. So if you want to print it out this might be the way to go.

You can also use it to zoom right in and then stitch a who bunch of photos together giving you a very high resolution image.

I use Lightroom to do this and in the video below I show you how.

I’ve done this not only to create a landscape panorama but also a vertical one. Great for getting tall buildings.

About garysch

A bit of a techno nut who likes sharing what I know about technology, especially with those who struggle with it. Also through my podcast
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